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San Francisco Health Network
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Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center

Pediatric Asthma Clinic

Children's Health Center

faces of asthma

Asthma is the most common chronic illness affecting children. At least one-third of the 24.7 million people diagnosed with asthma are children under the age of 18. Asthma is the third leading cause of hospitalization among children under age 15 and leads to 14 million days of missed school each year. This condition can also negatively affect children's academic performance because of doctor's visits during school hours, lack of concentration while at school because of nighttime attacks, and decreased attentiveness or involvement at school because of the side effects of some medications.

California has the number one asthma prevalence rate in the US, with one out of ten children having this chronic condition.  Children from minority families who live in low income communities may have up to two times this rate and are at the highest risk for having increased morbidity and mortality from asthma.  With proper treatment many urgent care visits, hospitalizations and even deaths are preventable.

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Please call 9-1-1 if this is a medical emergency. Please call Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center at (628) 206-8000 for general information.

For issues or questions other than medically related, you may email the Department of Public Health.