WHEREAS, violence is a public health issue and domestic violence is a leading cause of injuries and death among women; and,
WHEREAS, domestic violence impacts upon people of all ages in every racial, socioeconomic, educational, religious and occupational segment of society, and occurs among heterosexual and homosexual relationships; and,
WHEREAS, almost four million women are physically abused by husbands or boyfriends every year; and,
WHEREAS, domestic violence is more apt to be ignored or tolerated than other forms of violence; and,
WHEREAS, domestic violence is a health care issue frequently treated in the emergency department where an estimated 35 percent of women who seek emergency treatment are there for injuries which originate with an abusive partner or former partner; and in health centers, community clinics and specialty services where routine domestic violence screening reveals increasing numbers of domestic violence situations; and,
WHEREAS, the Health Commission is committed to developing policies which will assist in the identification and response to the symptoms and the impacts of domestic violence upon patients and employees; and,
WHEREAS, enhanced education, prevention and intervention efforts help to increase public awareness of the severity and extent of domestic violence, thereby helping to prevent acts of violence among family members and helping to reduce the related loss to society and to employers; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Health Commission proclaims October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month and urges the Department of Public Health to schedule domestic violence awareness activities to honor this effort.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the Health Commission at its meeting of Tuesday, October 7, 1997.
Sandy Ouye Mori Executive Secretary to the Health Commission