
Recommending the Approval of Ordinance Amendments To Articles 21, 21a and 22 of the Health Code Containing Fee Increases For Businesses Regulated Under the Hazardous Materials Unified Program Agency (April 6, 1999)

WHEREAS, businesses that store hazardous materials either above ground or in underground storage tanks, or generate or treat hazardous waste, are regulated by the Hazardous Materials Unified Program Agency; and,

WHEREAS, the City and County of San Francisco is certified by the California Environmental Protection Agency as a Unified Program Agency; and,

WHEREAS, responsibilities of a certified Unified Program Agency include administrative tracking and regular, on-site inspections of all businesses or facilities regulated under any of seven separate Unified Program Agency elements; and,

WHEREAS, information received from businesses is provided to the Fire Department for use during fires and other incidents involving hazardous materials; and,

WHEREAS, these activities performed by a Unified Program Agency staff enhance the level of safety for citizens, employees and visitors to San Francisco, and are protective of the environment; and,

WHEREAS, the certified Unified Program Agency is allowed by the State to set fees at a level so as to cover reasonable and necessary costs associated with program implementation; and,

WHEREAS, the certified Unified Program Agency has been audited by the Department of Toxic Substances Control, and was determined to be providing a minimally acceptable and adequate level of service to regulated businesses; and,

WHEREAS, the proposed fee increase is necessary to recover costs associated with program implementation so as to maintain the current service level; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Health Commission hereby approves the proposed ordinance amendments to Articles 21, 21A and 22 of the Health Code that include fee increases for the Unified Program Agency.

I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the Health Commission at its meeting of Tuesday, April 6, 1999.

Sandy Ouye Mori, Executive Secretary to the Health Commission