No. 03-01
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Department’s Strategic Planning Initiative was to: (1) respond to San Francisco’s changing demographic and health needs, (2) plan with the community for health improvement, (3) strengthen prevention efforts, (4) identify populations the Department should more appropriately serve, (5) develop program priorities to maximize the effectiveness of limited resources, and (6) respond to critical funding trends confronting public health and health care; and,
WHEREAS, the Department faces two conflicting trends that threaten to unravel the Department’s health services system – decreased revenue and increased demand for services; and,
WHEREAS, the Department continually strives to ensure that the services and programs it provides are relevant to the health needs and concerns of the community; and,
WHEREAS, Strategic Planning recognizes that the Department will never fully meet service needs and that, as a result, the Department must prioritize services in order to provide care within its budgeted allocation; and,
WHEREAS, the Strategic Planning Initiative was: (1) designed to maintain the Department’s current Mission or Vision Statements (Resolution No. 30–98), (2) based on the assumption that the Department would continue its two roles within health (providing public health activities and delivering health care services), (3) cognizant of the fact that the Department must adhere to Federal and State regulations for licensure or funding, and (4) consistent with previously adopted Health Commission resolutions on programmatic issues; and,
WHEREAS, the Department provides health services with a number of community partners and its Strategic Planning Initiative included community providers, consumers, contract agencies, health advocates, advisory groups/committees, health researchers, labor representatives, business, the public and others; and,
WHEREAS, the Department developed a Strategic Planning Steering Committee and appropriate sub-committees with broad representation; and,
WHEREAS, the Department developed a communications plan, which enabled it to proactively seek and obtain input from the community, Department contractors and the staff, in developing the Strategic Planning recommendations; and,
WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan – Leading the Way to a Healthier Community 2000 – identified the following goals based on external and internal assessments, health data, needs assessments, advisory council reports, community and staff input, and the work of the Strategic Planning Committees:
Goal 1: San Franciscans have access to the health services they need, while the Department emphasizes services to its target populations.
Goal 2: Disease and injury are prevented.
Goal 3: Services, programs and facilities are cost-effective and resources are maximized: .
Goal 4 Partnerships with communities are created and sustained to assess, develop, implement and advocate for health funding, policies, programs and services; and,
WHEREAS, the Strategic Planning recommendations support the following broad concepts:
Embracing a broad definition of health to include housing and socio-economic determinants of health status
Citywide planning to fully plan for and assess health services needs and resources
Infrastructure (physical structures and human resources) is inadequate to support Department and contract services; and,
WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan continues and advances the Department’s efforts to promote and expand prevention activities; and,
WHEREAS, the Strategic Planning recommendations support the need to continue the Department’s vital role in the delivery of health care and the need to pursue a bond proposal to meet necessary State seismic compliance for San Francisco General Hospital Medical Center; and,
WHEREAS, the strategic Plan supports improvements in the recruitment, retention and training of Department staff, along with ensuring that the Department maintains and continually expands its culturally and linguistically competent workforce; and,
WHEREAS, critical components of the Strategic Planning recommendations address the need to prioritize program initiatives in recognition of funding constraints and to ensure access to a comprehensive delivery system that is both community and consumer-focused; and,
WHEREAS, with respect to prioritization the recommendations support a strategic direction that will allow the Department to:
Target populations receiving services – allocate resources to those most in need and who lack options
Expand community-based alternatives – decrease need for institutional care
Strengthen and promote prevention
Use data to reorganize, reprioritize, reduce or eliminate services -- based on priorities, performance measures and the Strategic Plan; and,
WHEREAS, with respect to accessing a comprehensive health services system, the recommendations support a strategic direction that will allow the Department to:
Integrate physical health, prevention, behavioral health, housing and social services
Expand health care coverage to the uninsured
Ensure a single standard of care that provides access to services
Continue to provide culturally and linguistically competent services; and,
WHEREAS, this Strategic Plan should be used by the Department for a period of no less than three years and guide the development of the Department’s 2001-02 through 2003-2004 budgets; and,
WHEREAS, implementation of the Strategic Planning recommendations will occur in phases given the complexities involved in prioritizing activities, operationalizing strategies and meeting the needs of the changing medical environment and technologies; now, therefore, be it,
RESOLVED, that the Health Commission adopts the Department’s Strategic Plan – Leading the Way to a Healthier Community 2000 – its goals and its recommendations; and, be it,
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Health Commission instructs the Department to use the Strategic Plan in the development of the Department’s 2001-02 budget; and, be it,
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Health Commission directs the Department to develop and submit a plan for prioritizing and implementing the Strategic Plan recommendations taking into account the goals, available resources, changing medical environment and technologies, and the time for implementation; and be it,
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Department shall monitor and evaluate the outcomes and indicators of each implemented strategy and objective and report periodically to the Health Commission.
I hereby certify that the Health Commission at its meeting of January 16, 2001 adopted the foregoing resolution.
Sandy Ouye Mori,Executive Secretary to the Health Commission