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See Below for Documents Associated with the Health Commission Meeting Date Listed

Health Commission Audio and Video:

Full Commission meetings are broadcast on cable via SFGTV and streamed on the Internet. Broadband service is recommended for access. The San Francisco Health Commission is generally broadcast on SFGTV, cable channel 26. SFGTV archives include a recording of each meeting, an agenda with links to the specific portion of the meeting, a file containing all closed captions for the deaf from the meeting and an MP3 recording of the meeting.

View Live Feed | Archived Video

Meetings: Health Commission


Due to Health Officer Order No. C19-07, the 3/24/20 full Health Commission meeting will have online and telephone participation options. The meeting will still take place at 101 Grove, room 300. The link to view and hear the meeting is HERE.  

To listen to the meeting, use this number and code:
+1 415-906-4659   
Conference ID: 960 764 141#

If you wish to make public comment, there will be an online option or phone option. You are also encouraged to submit written comment to In the future, we will have a broader range of options to take public comment virtually during meetings. As we pilot this technology at the Health Commission, we request your patience as we work out any issues in implementation. 


In accordance with the "Declaration of Local Health Emergency Regarding Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)," and Order of the Health Officer No. C19-05b, recommendations have been issued to reduce transmission of the COVID19 virus. Individuals are encouraged to participate in the meetings remotely by submitting comments via email or phone to the Commissioon Executive Secretary rathner than attending in person. If you choose to attend the meeting in person, systemic and individual changes are strongly encouraged such as accomodating arm's length distancing between others. The City and County of San Francisco is developing increased capacity for remote meeting participation by members of the public.


The following Health Commission meeting will take place during the week of:

March 16, 2020 through March 20, 2020:

    Please Note Meeting Start-Time
    Full Health Commission Meeting
    Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 5pm

    101 Grove Street, room 300

    San Francisco, CA 94102

    Please Note Meeting Location and Time
    JCC Meeting for Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center
    March 17, 2020 at 2:30pm

    101 Grove Street, Room 302

    San Francisco, CA 94102

Agenda and Meeting Materials

To access available information for the Health Commission meetings listed below, you may click on the items listed in the column titled "Documents Associated With the Agenda Item."




Note 5pm Start-Time: March 17, 2020 Full Health Commission Meeting Agenda Item Title
Documents Associated with the Agenda Item
1. Agenda PDF
2. Minutes PDF
3. Director's Report PDF
4. Coronavirus Update PDF-PDF-PDF
5. General Public Comment No documents associated wtih this item
6. Health Commisison Officer Elections No documents associated with this item
7. Other Business No documents associated with this item
8. Joint Conference Committee Reports No documents associated with this item
9. Closed Session No public documents associated with this item
9. Adjournment No documents associated with this item
March 17, 2020 LHH JCC Agenda Item Title


Documents Associated with the Agenda Item
1. Agenda PDF
2. Minutes PDF
3. General Public Comment No document associated with item
4. Administrator's Report PDF-PDF-PDF-PDF-PDF-PDF-PDF-PDF-PDF
5. Regulatory Affairs Report PDF-PDF-PDF-PDF-PDF-PDF
6. Consideration of Hospital-Wide Policies Procedures PDF-PDF
7. Closed Session No documents associated with item
8. Adjournment No documents associated with item


Full Health Commission meetings are held the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 101 Grove Street, room 300, at 4pm. Meeting dates are subject to change. Call the Health Commision Office at

(415) 554-2666 for general information or to confirm individual meetings.


You may contact the Health Commission Executive Secretary at 554-2666 to request documents from previous Health Commission meetings.


Most agendas and minutes are available in Acrobat format.