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The Food Security Task Force



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About the Food Security Task Force

1 in 4 San Francisco residents is at risk of hunger due to low income. The Food Security Task Force (FSTF) was established in 2005 by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and charged with the responsibility of creating a city-wide plan for addressing food security. The FSTF recommends to the Board of Supervisors legislative action and city-wide strategies that would increase participation in federally funded programs. FSTF also provides general advice and assistance to the Board of Supervisors with regard to funding priorities, legislative action, and City policies on addressing hunger and enhancingthe food security of San Francisco residents in addition to any other issues within the Task Force's expertise. The FSTF meets the first Wednesday of the month from 1:30 to 3:30 at 25 Van Ness.

Impact of food insecurity

Food insecurity contributes to poor health and health disparities through multiple pathways: stress, trauma, poor diet quality, and malnutrition. Food insecurity increases risk of multiple chronic conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension, and exacerbates existing physical and mental health conditions.  It impairs child development and limits academic achievement.  Food insecurity and hunger impacts our community in many direct and indirect ways, and the social and economic costs are passed on in many ways, including higher health care costs. For more information, email: