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San Francisco Health Network

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About DPH

Public Health Accreditation Board

Established in 2011, the national accreditation program sets standards toward which the nation’s nearly 3,000 governmental and public health departments can continuously work to improve the quality of their services. Here’s what the board had to say: “This health department is well respected by their community, their governing authority, and local elected officials. Their management and leadership are seasoned and skilled public health professionals who have passion for their work and commitment to their community. They are organized in a way that allows for efficient delivery of public health services. They have programs in place that demonstrate commitment to their employees and an understanding of the need to continually train current employees while seeking to identify those who might be future committed public health professionals.” The accreditation project has been a 5-year challenge for our department that helped strengthen our ability to work as a team. Our clients and staff all benefit as a result of new infrastructure being built to support our continuous improvement goals. We are now one of eight accredited health departments in California, and one of only two hundred across the nation. We would like to thank the Public Health Accreditation Team for their exemplary work in leading our Department to this significant accomplishment.

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