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Knowledge Sharing & Collaboration

Mental Health San Francisco Implementation Working Group

Background and Objectives

On December 6, 2019, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance amending the Administrative Code to establish Mental Health San Francisco (Mental Health SF). This new program will provide access to mental health services, substance use treatment, and psychiatric medications to all adult San Francisco residents with mental illness and/or substance abuse who are homeless, uninsured, or enrolled in Medi-Cal or Healthy San Francisco. The ordinance establishes a Mental Health SF Implementation Working Group (IWG), a 13-member board, to advise its development and implementation and eventually to present final recommendations concerning the design and any steps that may be required to ensure a successful implementation of Mental Health SF.

Specifically, the IWG will address the ordinance service components via the following actions:

  • Review program data
  • Review and assess implementation plan
  • Evaluate effectiveness

Meeting Schedule, Location, and Materials

The IWG will conduct monthly public meetings, beginning in December 2020 and will terminate by September 2026. Due to COVID-19 restrictions on in-person gatherings, meetings will be held remotely, using the WebEx platform, until public health officials deem it safe to meet in person. Please see the meeting agenda for the WebEx meeting link.

Meetings are held the fourth Tuesday morning of each month.

Meeting Date Agendas Minutes Meeting Materials
Tuesday, September 27 2022: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Agenda N/A  
Tuesday, August 23 2022: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

- MHSF IWG A&E Meeting PPT

- MHSF TAY Residential Recommendations

- Meeting Recording

Tuesday, July 26 2022: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

- Meeting Recording

Tuesday, June 28 2022: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

- Meeting Recording

Tuesday, May 24 2022: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- SCRT Final Report

- Crisis Stabilization Unit

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

- Meeting Recording

Tuesday, April 26 2022: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

- Meeting Recording

Tuesday, March 22 2022: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- MHSF Office of Coordinated Care Recommendations

- MHSF Implementation Report

- Findings Resolution for Fully Remotes Policy Bodies

- Meeting Recording

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

Tuesday, February 22 2022: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- MHSF Office of Coordinated Care Recommendations

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

- Meeting Recording

- Crisis Diversion Unit Draft Recs

- Citywide Street Response Presentation

Tuesday, January 25 2022: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- Crisis Diversion Unit Draft Recs

- MHSF Office of Coordinated Care Recommendations

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

- Meeting Recording

- MHSF IWG Planning Framework

Tuesday, December 14 2021: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Join Online via Webex
Agenda Meeting Minutes

- MHSF Office of Coordinated Care Recommendations

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

Tuesday, November 9 2021: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

- Meeting Recording

Tuesday, October 26 2021: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- SCRT Update to IWG

- SF Crisis Diversion Unit Issue Brief

- Resolution Making Findings for Teleconferenced Meetings

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

- Meeting Recording

Tuesday, September 28 2021: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

- Meeting Recording

Tuesday, August 24 2021: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- Pre-read materials: New Beds and Facilities - Responses to IWG

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

- NBF IWG Q&A Responses


- Meeting Recording

Tuesday, July 27 2021: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- MHSF IWG Budget Presentation

- SFDPH BH RC T Expansion Dashboard

- SFDPH Behavioral Health Bed Optimization Report

- Drug Sobering Center Recommendations

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

- Cover Letter MHSF Implementation Report

- Drug Sobering Center IWG Recommendations

- SCRT Preliminary Report

- Meeting Recording

Tuesday, June 22 2021: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

- MHSF IWG Recommendations Principles

- Domain Workplan PPT

- Drug Sobering Center Draft Recommendations

- Meeting Recording

Tuesday, May 25 2021: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- MHSF IWG Meeting Survey Results

- MHSF IWG Recommendations Principles

- SCRT Recommendations details (individual responses compiled)

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

- MHSF IWG Street Crisis Response Team Recommendations

- Meeting Recording

Tuesday, April 27 2021: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- SCRT Recommendations (group summary for IWG discussion)

- SCRT Recommendations details (individual responses compiled)

- Drug Sobering Center Issue Brief

- MHSF IWG Meeting PPT

- Meeting Recording

Tuesday, March 23 2021: 9:30 am Agenda Meeting Minutes

- MHSF IWG Meeting Survey Results

- SCRT_IWG Info & Data Requests_DPH Responses

- MHSF IWG Recommendations Principles

- SCRT Pilot Evaluation Presentation to MHSF IWG

- Slide Deck

- Meeting Recording

Tuesday, February 23 2021: 9:30 am Agenda Meeting Minutes

- MHSF IWG ByLaws Draft

- SCRT IWG Issue Brief

- MHSF IWG Recommendations Principles

- Meeting Recording

- Slide Deck

Tuesday, January 26 2021: 9:30 am Agenda Meeting Minutes

- Slide Deck

- Discussion Item #4: MHSF IWG Chair/Vice Chair Interest Statement

- MHSF IWG Members Thumbnails

- MHSF IWG Planning Framework

- Meeting Recording

Monday, December 14, 2020: 2:30 pm Agenda Meeting Minutes

- MHSF IWG Planning Framework

- Ordinance

- Slide Deck

- Meeting Recording



IWG Members

Seat Member Name Qualification /Representation Appointed By
Seat 1 Amy Wong, A.M.F.T. Health Care Worker Board
Seat 2 Jameel Patterson Lived experience Mayor
Seat 3 Vacant   Board
Seat 4 James McGuigan Peace Office, Emergency Medical Response, Firefighter Mayor
Seat 5 Dr. Vitka Eisen, M.S.W., Ed. D. Treatment provider with mental health harm reduction experience Mayor
Seat 6 Steve Fields, M.P.A. Treatment provider with mental health harm reduction experience Board
Seat 7 Andrea Salinas, L.M.F.T. Treatment Provider with criminal justice experience Board
Seat 8 Dr. Monique LeSarre, Psy. D. Behavioral Health licensed professional Board
Seat 9 Vacant   Mayor
Seat 10 Dr. Ana Gonzalez, D.O. DPH employee experience with dual diagnosis Mayor
Seat 11 Sara Shortt, M.S.W. Supportive housing provider Board
Seat 12 Dr. Hali Hammer, M.D. DPH employee with health systems or hospital administration experience Mayor
Seat 13 Steve Lipton Health law expert appointed City Attorney



Recommendation and Reports

- Crisis Stabilization Unit Approved Recommendations May 2022

MHSF IWG OCC Recommendations

MHSF IWG Progress Report October 2021

MHSF IWG Street Crisis Response Team Recommendations

Drug Sobering Center IWG Recommendations

MHSF IWG Planning Framework




Related Links/Resources

Mental Health SF Ordinance






For all inquiries about the Mental Health SF Implementation Working Group,
please email the City Staff coordinators at