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Environmental Health

Health Code Article 31

Revised Regulations

San Francisco Health Code Article 31 governs shipyard redevelopment. The program ensures that redevelopment work that disturbs soils is conducted in a safe manner and protects the public's health.

The following announcement about revised regulations is also available in Spanish, Filipino, and Chinese.




The Director of Environmental Health has proposed new Regulations for Health Code Article 31. The changes will affect companies that move dirt at The Shipyard project and the plans they submit to protect public health and safety.







Article 31 applies at The Shipyard for large earth moving projects






and small jobs like installing and maintaining common area landscapes.

Questions? 415-252-3967








Making a Complaint

If you would like to make a complaint, you may call 311, or if you are calling from a cell phone or outside the county, dial (415) 701-2311.

311 City Customer Service Agency - Service 24x7

San Francisco Department of Public Health Environmental Health Branch