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The PHES team has become well known for producing innovative metrics to inform the development of healthy places, through policy and planning. The community indicator projects below have been used for a wide variety of activities, including: land use planning, economic development, housing policy, research, community advocacy, and health impact assessment. We continue to work in close partnership with other city agencies and community groups to ensure that data is used to facilitate meaningful participation and informed decision making.
The Central Market/Tenderloin Data Portal: www.cmtldata.org
Building off our prior work on the San Francisco Indicator Project, the Central Market/Tenderloin Data Portal tracks changes in environmental and socioeconomic measures of wellbeing in the Tenderloin Neighborhood and Central Market Corridor to support neighborhood-based improvement efforts. The goal of the Portal is to increase awareness of improvement activities, facilitate collaboration and engagement, assist in prioritizing investments, and support community groups in advocating for their needs. It is a collaborative project of the City and County of San Francisco and the Tenderloin Health Improvement Partnership.
The PHES team is a significant contributor to DPH's triennial Community Health Needs Assessment. PHES staff take the lead on producing the living conditions data for the CHNA, as well as supporting many of the other data domains. This includes data on the following domains: Demographics, Childcare and Education, Civic Participation, Climate and the Natural Environment, Crime and Safety, Economic Environment, Health Care Access and Quality, Housing, and Transportation. Continuing the tradition of our previous work on the San Francisco Indicator Project, our analyses provide neighborhood level data analysis, when possible.