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Child Unintentional Injury Prevention Program
The Child Unintentional Injury Prevention Program coordinates childhood injury prevention efforts within the San Francisco Department of Public Health. The program aims to integrate existing child pedestrian and child passenger safety programs to ensure that interventions are effective, use best practices, and are part of a continuing effort to increase child safety. The program intends to create new projects dealing with other areas in child unintentional injury prevention.
The program’s goal is to reduce childhood injuries and fatalities in San Francisco by:
Current data show that most child injury deaths are automobile-related while most child injury hospitalizations are related to falls.
Current child unintentional injury programs include Child Passenger Safety and Safe Routes to School.
For more information, email Isabel.Auerbach [replace with @] sfdph.org.
This project is being funded by the state of California through a grant to the San Francisco Department of Public Health. To contribute to the Child Health and Safety Fund, which funds injury prevention programs for children, you can purchase a personalized license plate at Kids' Plates.