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San Francisco Health Network

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Community Behavioral Health Services

Integration Initiative

Beginning in mid-2004, Community Behavioral Health Services (CBHS) entered its 2nd phase of integration, engaged the services of ZiaLogic Behavioral Health Integration Consultants (Drs. Chris Cline and Ken Minkoff), and embarked on a quality improvement effort at the system, program, clinical practice, and clinician competency levels towards a Comprehensive Continuous Integrated System of Behavioral HealthCare. In a partnership between service providers, individual change agents from throughout the system, clients, and system administrators, the quality improvement project is gathering momentum for the transformation of mental health and substance abuse services into an integrated, and dual diagnosis capable system. This involves system, program, and clinician self-assessment leading to action planning at multiple levels (policies, program development, training, etc.) to enhance the success of the system in helping all clients with mental health and substance abuse problems, and both.

Please click on this 2005-06 CBHS Integration Implementation Plan to read the activities CBHS plans to carry out in FY 05-06 to further advance the integration of mental health and substance abuse services in San Francisco.

If you have any input, feedback, or suggestions on how CBHS should implement integration, please send to