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San Francisco Health Network

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Community Behavioral Health Services

Treatment Access Program (TAP)

What is the Treatment Access Program (TAP)?

The Treatment Access Program (TAP) is the assessment, referral and placement unit of the Community Behavioral Health Services (CBHS), Community Programs - Placement Division. TAP directly assesses clients who self refer or are referred by various providers throughout the City. In addition, TAP has two staff stationed at San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH) that work closely with the hospital social workers, in administering triage and post discharge placements into community-based programs.

TAP also comprises two programs for mandated clients connected with the legal justice system. These are the San Francisco Drug Court Treatment Center and the Substance Abuse Crime Prevention Act (SACPA Unit. These two units work closely with the Criminal Justice system in order to assist in the appropriate placement of count mandated clients into the City’s publicly funded treatment system.