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San Francisco Health Network

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Our Programs

Maternal, Child & Adolescent Health Section

Child Health & Disability Prevention (CHDP) Program


CHDP has moved!

Address: 333 Valencia St., 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103

Phone number: 628-217-6730

Fax number: 628-217-7596

Email: - Providers please continue to email Care Coordination referrals and inquiries











The Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) Program offers preventive health services that identify and prevent disease and disabilities among low-income children and youth in San Francisco County. “Preventive health” means that we work to keep your children healthy before they get sick.


What we Offer

Well child exams, including school health exams and sports physicals

Links to doctors and dentists who provide preventive health exams & dental screenings

Help getting low cost health insurance


Who is Eligible

Children with Medi-Cal from birth through 20 years

Low to moderate income children from birth through 18 years

Children in Foster Care

Children in Head Start & State Preschool programs


What is the CHDP Gateway?

In July 2003, the CHDP program began the using the "CHDP" Gateway", an automate pre-enrollment process for non Medi-Cal, uninsured children. The CHDP Gateway, serves as the entry point for these children to enroll in ongoing health care coverage through Medi-Cal. The CHDP Gateway is based on federal law founded in Titles XIX and XXI of the Social Security Act that allows states to establish presumptive eligibility programs for children/youth.

CHDP Gateway


DHCS Program Description

The CHDP program provides complete health assessments for the early detection and prevention of disease and disabilities for low-income children and youth. A health assessment consists of a health history, physical examination, developmental assessment, nutritional assessment, dental assessment, vision and hearing tests, a tuberculin test, laboratory tests, immunizations, health education/anticipatory guidance, and referral for any needed diagnosis and treatment. The CHDP program oversees the screening and follow-up components of the federally mandated Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program for Medi-Cal eligible children and youth. For more information, go to the California Department of Health Care Services website.

If you have questions, and you are a parent of a child under 21 years of age,
call: 628-217-6730